Dulu dizaman sebelum semua orang hidup dengan maju dan mewah, satay hanya dapat dimakan sebulan sekali atau bila ada special occasion sahaja.
Daging samada ayam atau lembu bukanlah lauk harian. Ikan adalah lauk harian yang murah. Itu pun tengok pada jenis ikan.
Tapi dimasa itu, makanan masih lagi seimbang kerana ada sayuran dan lauk yang biasa sahaja. Tapi cara hidup beginilah menyelamatkan dan memanjangkan usia mak mak kita di waktu itu.
Diwaktu itu anak anak jarang jarang berbadan tembam. Makanan pun kurang berkrim dan berlemak. Processed food pun kurang seperti burger, sosej dan nugget jika ada pun ianya masih lagi dianggap mahal. Kebanjiran makanan makanan processed food ini meningkat bila banyak pengeluar tempatan dan penjual hypermarket dan chained supermarket menjual dengan harga semurah murahnya.
Pendapatan keluarga juga telah meningkat dengan berganda ganda. Orang muda yang berusia dibawah 30 an sudah memilike perniagaan dan kehidupan yang sangat stabil dan mampu bekerja seorang dan isteri tinggal di rumah.
Diwaktu dulu anak anak jarang mendapat lelah. Jika mendapat semput kebanyakkan nya disebabkan jangkitan kuman di paru paru kemudian semput nafas jadinya. Anak anak generasi yang dulu masih lagi didedahkan lasak bermain di luar rumah setiap petang. Main kejar kejar, kayuh basikal, dan macam macam mainan yang berunsur fizikal.
Anak zaman sekarang, hanya memilih makanan processed food sahaja dan bila bila masa. Sayuran sangat terhad atau tiada langsung. Waktu makan tak menentu. Kemudahan petisejuk anak anak boleh demand atau minta nak makan lauk apa atau nak makan makanan yang di process.
Kemudian mengadap television. Paling tidak internet. Duduk berjam jam kemudian makan lagi, buka petisejuk tengok apa apa benda boleh dimakan. Dizaman ini pencuci mulut is nothing to compare with zaman generasi dulu. Zaman dulu, mana ada pencuci mulut, selalunya pisang. Nak kuih samada sarapan pagi atau minum petang. Sekarang makan anytime.
Makanan seperti daging bakar ayam panggang adalah satu treat untuk sesuatu occasion. Sekarang anytime almost everyweek. Setengah orang anak anak cuma makan ayam sahaja.
Zaman dulu anak anak semua kurus dan tegap tanpa lemak. Anak anak sekarang semua badan umur 4,5 tahun ke atas dah tembam atau badan berlemak. Kalau keluarga yang berada tu anak anak yang jenis pemakan dari kecil hinggalah yang besar badan berisi.
Ada kawan ini selamba kata anak kawan tu badan dia bulat bulat..sebab mak dia rajin masak.. tapi bila ditengok kawan yang bersuara ini ...anak anak sumua badan bulat bulat juga.kuat makan burger dan processed food..la apa cerita..pot kettle kawan kita ni.
Kemajuan membawa kemudahan yang membawa kebaikan. Cuma kita manusia mudah hanyut dan lupa nak maintain limit kan diri atau mengawal diri atau nafsu makan.
Benda yang sedap dan boleh didapati dengan mudah, sapa tak nak. Selera pun nak bertukar selera global. Iyelah dulu mana pemanis mulut makan cheese dan cream, sekarang memang global lah taste bud semua. Dulu mana kita makan lebamese, italian pasta, cream pasta sauce dan segala. Dulu kita tak reti nak makan nan ado, grill chicken, lambchop, chicken chop, steak dan sebagainya.
Sekarang kita boleh beli dan buat sendiri. Menu makin besar..
Kekerapan majlis berbbq, berdaging panggang, ala rotiserrie menjadi budaya kita semua dan makan benda berbbq juga menjadi sebahagian norma hidup harian.
Kepada yang kurang mahir berbbq, ayam, daging hangus di luar mentah didalam pun tidak apa, janji ada flavour bbq. Padahal mereka ignore the danger memakan benda yang terbakar yang berkarbon mengandungi carcinogen yang menggalakan pertumbuhan nya sel kanser.
Perubahan diet kepada yang berdaging menjadi semakin biasa didalam pemakanan kita seharian. Kita makin leka dan mengabaikan masa depan kesihatan kita.
Ada kawan bercakap, ala mak mak kita makan satay , tak ada pun kena apa apa. memanglah zaman mak awak tu zaman satay dianggap sebagai treat. BBQ jarang didengar dan diadakan tidak seprti sekarang. Daging dimakan seminggu sekali..mana ada burger burger, sosej nugget dsbnya. Mereka jarang makan diluar..
Itupun kena tangkap ayam untuk sembelih, tak pun dihantar ke mamat ayam untuk bersihkan ayam yang disembelih tadi. Takpun kena ke pasar.
Anak anak sekarang leka berinternet, maka yang kecil berumur 6 tahun pun jarang bermain dengan kawan di laman. Maka kurang lah physical exercise, makan selera sedap, naik tembam. Bila kena semput lagilah ibu ibu menjadi over protective.
Sepatutnya anak anak yang semput dihantar ke kelas renang..supaya mereka dapat menguatkan pernafasan mereka dan paru paru...
Anak anak hanya duduk depan internet dan tv semata. Mereka hilang pengalaman membesar bermain berlari kejar kejar yang menyihatkan fizikal. Badan anak anak kalau yang naik tu macam di pam pam. Ada budak lelaki bila dilihat kerana badan terlalu tembam, muka nampak macam perempuan kerana terlalu tembam.
Mata pun cepat rosak duduk depan screen computer. Sayur susah pulak nak makan, lagi lah cepat rosak mata mereka.
Dinegara barat anak anak sekecil umur 6 tahu kena ambil insulin kerana mengidap diabetik akibat faktor pemakanan.
Habis lah generasi internet anak anak sekarang kerana mereka membesar terlalu awal dan tidak mengenal zaman kanak kanak yang sepatutnya.
Dibawah petikan dari akhbar dmail oleh PROFESSOR ROSALI3 DAVID - 22/10/2010
Cancer is often regarded in our society as a natural, if grim, part of the human condition — a dark shadow that hangs over our health.
This is hardly surprising, given that one in three people develop cancer at some stage in their lives, with the disease ultimately responsible for a quarter of all deaths in Britain.
Yet it is possible that cancer is not nearly as natural as we might think.
Through research with fellow scientist Professor Michael Zimmerman, I have uncovered powerful evidence to suggest that cancer could largely be a modern phenomenon linked to our diet, environment and lifestyles.
Modern disease: The results of the research suggests people in the past rarely suffered from cancer
Over the past 30 years, we have conducted an extensive study into ancient mummified bodies, skeletal remains and classical literature from ancient societies. If cancer had always been prevalent in humans, we would have expected to find a large number of cases of it.
But what we discovered was striking. In all these studies, involving tens of thousands of individuals, we found hardly any. Among the hundreds of mummies we examined, only three definite incidences of cancer were detected: one from Chile, one from 14th-century Italy and one from ancient Egypt.
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And out of the thousands of bones studied from European Neanderthal society, only one — a 35,000-year-old skull bone from Stettin, Germany — had traces of a malignant tumour.
In ancient Egyptian documents, too, there is no clear mention of the disease, though the Egyptians had relatively sophisticated medical knowledge. The near complete absence of any evidence of cancer in the ancient world suggests that the disease could be ‘man-enhanced’, meaning its increased prevalence is the result of our industrialised and highly-stressed modern societies.
Since Professor Zimmerman and I published our report, last week, several objections to our theory have been loudly voiced by other scientists.
One key argument is that cancer is essentially a disease of older people, and, therefore, as life expectancy was so much lower in the ancient world, far fewer people would have contracted it.
According to this thesis, the vast majority would have died of something else before they had the chance of getting cancer. But this does not stand up.
The average rates of life expectancy in the ancient world might have been far lower than today, but, even so, some individuals lived to an old age, as we know from skeletal records and literature. Yet our studies reveal that none of them seem to have had cancer.
Study: Researchers looked closely at remains that dated back thousands of years similar to this Egyptian mummy (file picture)
Significantly, we found ample evidence of other age-related conditions, such as osteoarthritis, which leads to bone degeneration, and atherosclerosis, which causes the arteries to harden.
If such diseases obviously existed in the ancient world, then why is the evidence missing for cancer?
Others have questioned the methods we used to test the mummies, claiming that modern techniques are not sophisticated enough to draw conclusions about the incidence of cancers.
But, once more, this does not stand up to scrutiny. My colleague Professor Zimmerman conducted experiments using cutting-edge scanners to see how well cancer tumours are preserved in mummified tissue. His tests found the process of mummification actually preserves such tumours very well.
So, contrary to the claims of our detractors, traces of cancer should undoubtedly have survived from the ancient world — if they existed.
That is all the more true because the absence of medical surgery at the time would have meant that any individual tumour would have remained within the body rather than being cut out.
'Our research supports the views of medical campaigners and experts who have long argued that mounting incidence of cancer is caused by factors present only in the modern world'I am, therefore, sticking with our belief that, over the great sweeping narrative of history, cancer must have been extremely rare in the ancient world compared with today.
We suggest this huge difference may have been down to the changes in our lives that modern society has brought, from pollution to diet. Essentially, cancer has to be a man-made disease.
Our research supports the views of medical campaigners and experts who have long argued that mounting incidence of cancer is caused by factors present only in the modern world.
Diet is a classic example. Today, we consume large quantities of processed foods (which have often been produced with huge amounts of cancer-causing pesticides or chemicals) and heavily-salted instant meals, as well as fatty takeaways and sugary drinks.
In contrast, the ancient Egyptians had a far healthier diet, which — for most of the population — consisted of fresh fish, fruit and vegetables. Occasionally, on feast days, they may have had meat.
Only in the highest echelon of Egyptian society did the priests have a much richer diet, including beef, alcohol, cakes and bread, because they had access to the foods provided for the gods’ altars in the temples.
Neither did the peoples of the ancient world lead the sort of sedentary life that so many of us do today, glued to our desks at work and our sofas at home. Most of the population undertook exercise doing manual labour, working in agriculture, construction or crafts.
In the absence of motorisation, even wealthy plutocrats had to walk or ride around. Furthermore, Egypt, like all ancient societies, was primarily agrarian, with most people living in rural areas.
So they were free from many of the pressures of modern urban life, such as pollution, over-crowding and stress.
Stressful: Modern working life combined with a take-away diet can be factors in cancer
It should also be said that the ancient Egyptians, like the Romans and Greeks, had extremely good levels of hygiene, achieved through good water supplies, sewage and bathing facilities.
There was, as far as we know, little of the squalor and stench that we associate, say, with the East End of London in the Victorian era or the poverty-stricken slums of some burgeoning cities in the developing world.
A host of studies show that modern life can be a killer.
We have achieved the bizarre paradox of being simultaneously more frenzied in our lifestyles — and more sedentary.
We are constantly in motion while still sitting down, whether it be through commuting by car or working at a computer. We are surrounded by a cacophony of noise, emails and gadgets — and too many of us survive on an avalanche of fatty, processed foods.
Being overweight is a known risk factor for cancer. In women, the fatter you are, the more oestrogen your body produces, which may explain why overweight women are at greater risk of breast cancer (which is sensitive to oestrogen).
Obesity is associated with a greater risk of bowel cancer and linked to stomach, kidney, liver and gallbladder cancers, though it’s not clear why.
Stress, meanwhile, has been cited in some studies as a trigger for the growth of cancerous tumours.
None of these factors were present in the ancient world, where life was altogether less complex.
I believe that is why we found so few incidences of cancer in all those mummies — and why we should all take heed of this message if we, too, are not to succumb to this most frightening disease.