Article taken fr Dma1l on 21st October 2010, written by Fi0na Mcrae
::Men who eat junk food could be condemning their future children to diabetes, a study suggests.::
::Prospective fathers should keep an eye on their diet in the same way as mothers-to-be, it implies.
The warning comes as Britain fights an epidemic of type 2 diabetes, with two million people already diagnosed and the figure forecast to double by 2025.
A further seven million are on the borderline of the condition, which usually comes on in middle age and greatly raises the odds of heart disease, stroke and conditions which lead to limb amputation. It can also shorten lifespan by ten years.
Much of the increase in incidence has been blamed on expanding waistlines. But the study suggests that at least some of the seeds of destruction could be sown in previous generations.
The Australian and American researchers fed young male rats a diet high in fat, mated them with healthy females and tracked the health of their female pups.
These ‘daughters’ developed diabetes before they reached puberty, with blood glucose concentrations double those of young born to other males.
The junk-food rats’ daughters also produced half the amount of insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels and is key to the development of diabetes, Nature journal reports.
Although the experiment included only female pups, it is thought that male offspring would be similarly affected.
It is thought the fatty food caused subtle changes to DNA in the rats’ sperm, causing problems in the metabolism of the next generation.
Margaret Morris, of the University of New South Wales in Sydney, told the journal New Scientist: ‘If similar effects apply in humans, it underlines the need for men to maintain a healthy diet and body weight.
‘This is not only for their own health, but for that of the next generation.’
Dr Iain Frame, of British charity Diabetes UK, said ‘translating’ the study to humans could help improve health outcomes in people at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
‘We will watch this promising area of research closely,’ he added.
Britons are the world’s biggest junk food addicts, beating even the Americans.
Almost half enjoy fast food too much to give it up, research shows.
The healthiest eaters are the French, with fewer than one in five admitting to fast food cravings.::
Banyak kesan hidup dan cara pemakanan dizaman moden tidak diketahui akibatnya, melainkan kajian dijalankan. Walaupun kita boleh menolak kesimpulan kajian kajian ini, secara amnya kita perlu secara logiknya dan secara terbuka mengambil kira banyak risiko risiko yang tidak kita ketahui terutama perubahan mendadak cara pemakanan kita dan diet harian yang kian global.
Makanan yang diprocess menjadi sumber pemakanan harian utama kepada kita semua.. anak anak yang baru nak buka deria rasa mereka, diperkenalkan makanan segera.
Jangan salahkan sesiapa atau marah marah..fikirkanlah...
Ada ibu dengan rasa bangga beritahu kawan, anaknya suka benda benda ini semua... nasi nasi tak makan..